Paraffin - Did You Know?

You may have heard about paraffin. It might be in a few of your scented candles around your house, or in some moisturizers in your bathroom (unless you’re a Keelyn Grace customer, of course). But what’s really in that stuff? And why is it a hot topic? After you’ve read through our list of facts, you’ll be able to decide for yourself whether paraffin should have a place in your home.

Did you know…

...that paraffin is a petroleum derivative?

Paraffin is synthesized from petroleum. It undergoes heavy processing and refining before it hits the shelves for everyday use. Petroleum and its products, including paraffin, are nonrenewable and far from being a natural product. Its environmental effects are no secret: in short, it’s bad for the planet. When burned, it releases hefty amounts of air pollutants. And that’s not even factoring in the production of this stuff.

...that paraffin is essentially the same as kerosene?

Kerosene is a flammable, soot-producing fuel. It’s an oil commonly used in home heating systems, jet fuel, and more. Paraffin is simply a more refined version of kerosene, resulting in a mostly odorless and colorless wax. While candles are the most popular use for paraffin, it is also used as fuel for many indoor appliances. This includes lamps, stoves, and more.

...that it’s toxic when ingested?

This stuff is no joke. Liquid paraffin is extremely poisonous if swallowed, leading to headaches, vomiting, and more. Similar effects can be seen via inhalation of its fumes when it’s burned (like, for example, in a candle). A pine-scented, candlelit bubble bath sure doesn’t seem so soothing anymore.

...that paraffin is used in hundreds of beauty products?

Since it’s so cheap, paraffin is put into many (many, many) beauty and spa products. It makes for a heavy sense of moisturization. Paraffin products create a waterproof layer on the skin, locking in moisture. At a glance, this certainly sounds beneficial. However, it also locks in everything else: bacteria, oils, toxins, etc. If your goal is to completely clog your pores, paraffin is for you. (Imagine rubbing a candle into your skin. Smooth, maybe, but greasy, no doubt.)

Paraffin is a dangerous component in beauty products. If you recall, we mentioned that it’s made from petroleum. That being said, anyone with a chemical sensitivity (or sensitive skin in general) can have severe negative reactions to paraffin. (Considering it’s basically refined jet fuel, we think that makes plenty of sense.)

...that Keelyn Grace does not, and will not, use paraffin?

Here at Keelyn Grace, we understand how bad paraffin really is—both for our earth, and for our customers. Our mission is to raise the benchmark of the performance and quality of affordable skin care. We set our minds on providing the most effective and highest quality ingredients to men and women at a reasonable and affordable price. We make our products the hard way, with real research and natural ingredients, so that you can have healthy skin the easy way.

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